20th Anniversary

live event • November 6 & 7, 2025 Tentatively

Arizona National Guard, Papago Facility, 5636 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85008 | 8am – 2pm
(Click Here for Directions)

Read Letter from Department of Education: August 2024

Read Letter from Department of Education: August 2024

Read Letter from Department of Education: August 2024

Association for Construction Career Development

ACCD is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

ACCD was initiated by the Arizona Construction Career Days (AZCCD) event team in 2007. This came about with the event becoming a larger event and needed more than just a committee; thus became the Association for Construction Career Development. We support the growing need for students, teachers and career counselors to understand better the many career opportunities that are available in the Construction Industry. 

Charmaine Foster-Flint, Bonnie Hall, Dave Nelson, Federal Highways Representative (Retired) and several ACCD members spearheaded AZCCD in 1999. 

Humberto Martinez, National Construction Career Days Co-Founder, became our mentor during our planning stages of the first event. He has traveled to attend the event and experience the growth throughout the years. 

From the beginning, AZCCD has been an example of public-private partnerships. As evidence of the interest in the construction industries in the AZCCD events, our statistics show that there have been more than 340 exhibitors displays and 400 pieces of equipment. 

Our event is the largest construction event that reaches out to High School students throughout the State of Arizona to give students a hands-on construction experience. 

Schools have traveled from all over Arizona,as far as 300 miles to attend this great event and find out more about a careers in construction. 

Public-private partnerships remain central to the Construction Career Days concept and to the vision and mission of the ACCD.Working together and sharing information among the many industry partners that the construction industry has effectively promoted to Americas youth and the workforce of the 21st Century. 

The ACCD Board and AZCCD is made up entirely of volunteers who all have a passion for the Construction Industry and want to share it with our youth. 

In 2011 we created a Career Guide, which contains information for Career and Technical Education, Trades, Higher Education and lists our exhibitors and sponsors for each event year. Every year the Career Guide is updated and handed out to teachers and counselors at the event and is available to download on our website.

The 2024 AZCCD Career Guide

AZCCD_2024 Career Guide