
National Construction Career Days history unfolded during the latter part of 1997, Mike LaPointe, Greg Mooney, Humberto Martinez and Ross Martinez began informal discussions on the severe shortage of skilled workers in the highway construction industry. The shortage had manifested in the form of reduced quality and a decrease in the number of bidders submitting quotes for highway projects in Texas. Further discussions focused on strategies to address the shortage. Greg Mooney suggested the idea of marketing the construction industry and career opportunities among high school students. Thus, the idea for the “Highway Construction Career Days” event was born.
The AZCCD event was in the planning stage in 1999, Humberto Martinez has been our mentor orchestrating the largest construction event in Arizona. From the beginning; AZCCD has been an example of community partnerships.

As evidence of the interest in the construction industries in the AZCCD events, our statistics show that there have been more than 400 exhibitors’ displays and 500 pieces of equipment to date.

Community partnerships remain central to AZCCD concept and to the vision and mission of the Association for Construction Career Development. It is in working together and sharing information among the many industry partners that the construction industry is effectively promoted to America’s youth and the workforce of the 21st Century is developed.